
Posts Tagged ‘SpringSource Tool Suite’

SpringSource Tool Suite Installation & Configuration

March 6, 2014 1 comment


SpringSource Tool Suite(STS) Installation & Configuration:


At the time of this post, the latest version available form SpringSource is STS 2.2.1. Since its built on top of Eclipse (version 3.5 – Galileo), you will need to have Java installed on your computer. Refer to Eclipse IDE category posts for details on this part. It requires JDK 5 and higher and is supported on Windows, Mac & Linux operating systems so far. I will be posting ‘Exploring Spring Framework’ series developed using STS, so this is a starter post for it. Moreover, its worth trying such a comprehensive Spring development tool which has been made available for free recently.

As such downloading and installing STS is straight forward. All you have to do is to visit the SpringSource STS  site and follow the instructions. Yet, here is step-by-step instructions and other relative information for doing it. 


Follow the steps below to download & install STS:

  • Before downloading STS, make sure that your system meets these pre-requisites. As you can see, you need to have JDK 5 or higher installed in your system. [Refer to Java Installation & Configuration post for details].

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